News and Events (page 10)

Assembly and Class Visit

As part of the build up to our highly anticipated  International Day on April 22nd, we have invited some special guests to our assemblies to talk about their culture and promote international awareness and tolerance. Our first guest was Major…

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Science Fair

All Year 3 classes participated in a Science Fair on Tuesday 14 April as part of their Social Studies program. The children were required to demonstrate new scientific knowledge and skills that they had developed over the last term. The…

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Van Phuc Football

Van Phuc Tigers rallied in football with BVIS!  Van Phuc hosted BVIS boys Years 1-3 and girls Years 4-5 on Tuesday 7 April at the Van Phuc home field on Van Bao Street.  The 20 boys in the football club…

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Van Phuc’s Got Talent

As the Student Council had gathered experience and confidence during the year they put on their biggest show yet on Saturday  4 April  in our school gymnasium. Van Phuc’s Got Talent was our very own Broadway Show. There were 35…

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After School Activities At Van Phuc

We have record numbers joining and participating in our after school clubs here at SIS Van Phuc!  Children are learning to cook awesome food in PIU’s  cooking class, and the food is nutritious, fresh, and tasty.  Just ask the kids,…

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Book Donation Delivery

On  the morning of Friday 27 March,  teachers,  interns and four student council representatives packed up a school bus with boxes and boxes of books from the Student Council’s Book Drive. We drove from 6 lane expressways to 4 lanes…

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