Testimonials From Our Students After Study Tours

Study Tour To Korea:

Amazing testimonials from our students themselves! 80% just can’t wait to join the next Study Tour! The trip truly offered our students a fun-filled summer vacation coupled with a transformative bundle of knowledge, life skills, unique cultural experiences and unforgettable memories gained! Let’s hear from some of our students themselves on how they felt about their incredible Study Tour experiences!

“If I were to choose 3 words to describe this trip, I would pick fun, educational and eye-opening. The things I learnt from this trip are budgeting, new skills, organizing skills, how to grill meat, South Korea’s history, culture and customs.” – Nguyen Thanh Lam – Class 9A.

Thai Duy Anh said in a simple and heartfelt way: ‘Probably being able to just talk with my friends and being able to have a good time”

Shaul Khunlint enthusiastically described the trip as ‘Fun, exhilarating, and terrific!”

Phan Ngoc Bao Tram discovered personal growth, sharing “I learned how to be independent, how to interact more with people around me. I also learned about my own colors and a lot more.”

”The golf course and the roller-coaster ride in Everland are the most unforgettable experience I had! I learnt that despite being in a foreign country, you shouldn’t be scared to try something new!” Vu Le Gia An excitedly shared!

Do Tran Minh Quan cherished a special birthday moment: “Drinking Blue Bull on my birthday when we were at Gang Wong Do.”

Tran Nguyen Tuan Linh summed up the experience: “The whole trip was unforgettable as I enjoyed every single day! I learned how to play golf andhow to make rice cake as well as how to ride horses.”

These are just some of the countless amazing stories from our Korea Study Tour. Are you ready to write your own story? Join us on our next Study Tour soon so stay tuned!

Study Tour To Singapore:

“Happy, Fun and Enjoyable!” were the unanimous and resounding sentiments of SIS students who returned from their Singapore Study Tour this summer! The trip was a great combination of exploration, friendship, cultural discovery, delicious local food and unforgettable experiences!

Inspired by lessons on Singapore’s multi-cultural population, history, religion and the legacy of its globally well-respected founding father of Singapore, the late former Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, our student, Le Ton Bach sweetly shared his ambition – “In the future, I’d like to be a Singapore citizen!”

When asked if he would like to the Study tour again in the future, Huynh Huu Phuoc said with a beaming face – “Of course Yes! This is so much fun and no one will say no to something that makes them happy”.

For Phan Ha Thanh of class 6A (SIS @ Gamuda Gardens, Hanoi), the best activities during the trip were – “to discover new things in different places and foods as well as more time to communicate with friends.”

“I have learnt that we should care more for our environment so we will have a better life and world in the future” is what Le Phung Phu
Bao took home after witnessing Singapore’s clean environment.

Students broadened their horizons, discovered new cultures and forged stronger bonds with schoolmates. From the exhilarating rides at Universal Studios to the fascinating discoveries at the Singapore Science Center, excitement was at every turn! The icing on the cake to top it all off? Our students developed independence, self-care skills and a sense of respect not only for their classmates but also for other cultures, customs and traditions!

Testimonials From Our Students After Study Tours